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              PEARLY GATES GUARD DUTY ROSTER                                                                                                                 

Classic Title

This is a tribute to our Marine buddies
who have been called for Pearly Gates Guard Duty


Bob Hope 1903-2003 "Thanks For The Memories"

                                                                Bob Hope Christmas With The Troops


Bob Hope was without a doubt one of the greatest entertainers of all time. A wonderful look at some special moments Bob spent with the troops during his many Christmas performances. Thank You to all the Veterans that ever spent a Christmas away from their family and to Bob Hope for spending his Christmas with the troops. 

god bless america.png

In Memorium

Let us pause for a moment and pay silent tribute to the memory of those of our comrades who have passed from our midst.

Adamaitis, William G LtCol 
Alexander, Donnie M MGySgt
Allen, Melvin
Allen, William J Jr LtCol
Anderson,  Robert J MSgt
Andrews, Alto SgtMaj
Arvin, Robert J MGySgt
Ash, James
Atkins, Owren D
Attanasio, Henry "Hank" Col
Babola, Edward Sgt
Bagby, Dalton GySgt
Baldwin, HarryL LtCol
Balske, Ron Capt
Barney, Billie F
Bazzel,l Cecil A SgtMaj
Bean, Theodore Maj
Beardsley, Gary MGySgt
Benjamin, Robert D Maj
Bethke, Gary L
Berns, Robert A.G."RAG" Col
Bethke, Gary L

Bielec, Donald F Sgt
Bishop, Harry K 1st Lt
Bjerke, Glen A
Blackwood, Joe
Blowers, Grant R MGySgt
Bogert, Daniel P SSgt
Boothe, Franklin D Sgt
Bourne Jr, Belknap GySgt
Bradley, Timothy Sgt
Bravence, Robert M 1stLt
Broetje, Thomas G
Brown, Briscoe S Sgt
Bush, Erich
Buzbee, Milford R MGySgt
Caldwell, Gregory L
Campbell, James R GySgt
Campus, Gary M LCpl
Cantrell, Gayther Sgt
Capatosto, Richard P LtCol

Carbajal, Manuel Sgt
Caret, Richard M Capt
Carney, Martin E Capt
Carrano, Anthony V
Carter, Kenneth C GySgt
Casey, Frank M
Castaneda, Flor P GySgt
Causey, Hubert L Maj
Chadwick, Stanley R SgtMaj
Chagnon, Thomas K MGySgt
Chavez, Connie
Chegren, D J 1stLt
Chipura, John G Cpl ***
Clark, Jackie K Maj
Clingerman, Stuart
Cohan, Arthur MGySgt
Cohn, William A LtCol
Cole, John
Cole, Lyle L
Collins, David Cpl ***
Cook, Bertram E LtCol
Cook, Billy Joe
Cooper, Alvin E
Cooper, Robert D
Crehan, James
Creveling, Steve
Critzer, Roger A 1stLt
Csik, Tibbett LtCol
Cucchi, Ned 
Martin, L Culbreath Sgt
Curry, Darrell GySgt
Daddazio, Armand G LtCol
Dailey, Emmitt C MSgt
Dalton, L K Cpl***
Daniels, Charles W
Davis, Gilbert H LtCol
DeBrine, Richard 1st Lt
Decker, Michael Sgt
Della-Corte, Joseph Col
DePauw, Roger C GySgt
Divine, Tim
Dixon, John LtCol
Dolly, John SgtMaj
Dougherty, Joseph LCpl
Doup, Robert L 1stLt
Doyle, Charles M GySgt
Drawdy, J A 2ndLt
Drury, John W Col
Earnheart, Robert G Sgt
Eglin, Charles W III LCpl
Enos, Gerald E LtCol
Ewell, Wallace E
Felts, Daniel E
Ferraro, Terrance 'Terry'
Finnegan, Craig Cpl
Fisk, Edward K
Fletcher, Peter Cpl
Flowers, Percy M 1stLt
Ford, Joseph S SgtMaj
Foster, Roger D LtCol
Freeman, James GySgt
Frey C R MSgt
Friske, John David LtCol
Gamache, Hank

Gandy, Richard S Sr MGySgt
Ganz, William H. LtCol
Gehrdes, Robert P Maj
Getz, Al Maj
Gierczynski, Michael A Capt
Gillihan, Robert L
Godley, Sean LtCol
Gott, Ronald MSgt 

Green, William F
Greenawalt, Harvey E Maj
Gregg, Mark D Capt
Griffin, Andrew Sgt
Grooms Chester J
Guether, Steve
Hachmeister, William F LCpl
Haggin, Thompson B SSgt
Harmon, Lawrence C MGySgt
Harrison, William H
Hatley, J D SgtMaj
Hecox, Ben Cpl
Hedrick, Joe P

Heidenreich, Frederick J
Helmick, R W
Hink, Harry D 1stLt
Hogan, Kenneth
Howard, Edward CWO
Huffman, Gene C
Jackson, Marvin L Maj
Jagusch, William H Cpl
James, Dennis L Sgt Maj
Janis, Joseph J Capt
Jarvis, Michael
Jensen, Dean C
Johnson, Bryant
Johnson, Johnny Col
Johnson, Parks
Johnson, Vincent 
Jolley,Malcolm S Col
Joneas, Michael W
Jones, Charles MGySgt
Jones, Earl W

Jones, Herman H SSgt
Jones, John W
Jones, Thomas SgtMaj
James, L Joy
Kaiser, Charles MSgt
Kiah, Robert E LtCol
Kimes, Roy
Kvam, Robert Cpl
Kearns, James R Maj
Kelleher, David W Capt
Keller, Kenneth K WO

Kellner, Harry Dean
Klatt, Norman
Kolm, Thomas R
Krolezyk, Harry T
Kuhlenschmidt, Larry
Kurvetich, Timothy SSgt
Lacher, Martin J Sgt
LaValley, Don Lt
Leake, James J MSgt
Levy, Alan
Lewandowski, William Sgt
Liberatore, Victor Sgt
Linehan, Ronald J SgtMaj
Lynch, Ronald F Sgt
Lyons, Allan Leroy
MacPherson, Gordon LtCol
Magby, Dusty Sgt
Mason, Gerald W
Masone, Vince Maj
Marciniak, Richard
Matheny, Jeffrey A SSgt
Marlowe, Frank W GySgt
McCain, Robert W MSgt
McDevitt, Paul Cpl
McDonald, Jim CWO-4

McKenzie, Bobby J Sgt Maj
Merica, Ira C
Miller, William Col
Miller, Wesley
Miller, William SSgt
Mintz, George L MSgt
Moore, Frank O MGySgt
Moorman, Ron
Muggins, Gene E SSgt
Murray, Ronald Col
Mooney, Terrence G Cpl
Mooneyham, James Sgt
Morphis, Roger D

Moskwa, Richard J
Mullins, Larry SSgt
Munstermann, Michael E
Nailor, Richard A Capt
Nash, Tommy R
Nelson, Fran LtCol
Neis, Thomas J Capt
Nerlien, Larry N Sgt
Neville, Henry D

Nichol, Francis H Cpl
Nichols, Richard F Sgt
Norton, Thomas R
Oass, Richard Sgt
O'Connor, Gregory C MSgt 
Oglesby, Edward LtCol

Osowski, Joseph
Otto Joseph Cpl
Overfelt Doyle W
Padilla, Enrique D LCpl***
Paeth, Ernie P
Palmer, Thomas P
Palomaki, Perry
Patterson, Ronald Cpl
Pechart, Joseph
Penico, Edward Col
Peterman, Dennis 1stSgt
Phelps, Michael A
Pinsonneault, John Sgt***
Pine Wilfred, "Joe" Sgt
Pokrzywinski, Paul Cpl
Pollack Ralph, GySgt
Ponder, James B
Porter, Robert A
Powell, Forrest
Price, Robert MSgt
Purdy, Kevin Cpl

Radabaugh, Carl B
Redfox, Jeffrey Cpl
Redrick, Carl
Rey, John Cpl
Richardson, Ronald
Rinehar,t John A SgtMaj
Robben, Joseph W Col
Rosiak, John A
Ross, George
Rowe, Phillip
Rupp, John E
Sackett, Allen
Saladino, Anthony M MSgt
Sandoval, Gilbert Cpl

Schwartz, Wayne SSgt***
Seena, Phil
Sharpe, Julius Edison 
Scherer, Douglas J
Schessler, John LtCol
Schuster, Dennis Sgt
Short, Harry

Shumber, Vincent CWO-2
Sickles, Richard L
Sides, William K LCpl
Siegal, Michael
Sims,Lawrence J Sgt

Skiba, J A L/Cpl
Slowik, Robert S Pvt
Smith, Ira T
Smith, Lawrence
Snider, Donald
Snyder, Michael SSgt
Sotak, Ralph
Spells, Marcellus
Spinning, Ted R MGySgt
Sterl, John "Jack" P Cpl
Stone,r Fred A
Stonecipher, Jerry MSgt

Stote, Samuel E Capt
Sullenberger, Robert H GySgt
Szabo, Thomas CWO2
Talley, Donald R MSgt
Taylor, Robert C Sgt
Terrebonne, Jerry Capt
Thuet, Steven P Capt
Tiemann, Donald W

Treado, Marshall LtCol
Tucker, John P Capt
Turnbull, Walter N Capt
Ulseth, Edward
Vaughn, Walter L "Chub" MGySgt 
Versage, Silas

Versailles, David
Vincent III, Vernon V LCpl
Vrooman, Lyndon F 1stLt

Waibe,l Fred Sgt
Walker, Cyrus T LCpl
Weaver, Gregory E Pfc
Weber, Steven P SSgt
Weglin, Charles L/Cpl
West, George A MSgt*** 
Wharton, Gordon A
White, Richard M Sgt
Wiley, Oliver III
Willis, Augustus SgtMaj
Wimme,r William E

Wojta, David M LCpl
Wold, Thomas H Col
Wolfe, Rick
Wooten, Sgt Maj

Wright, Robert MSgt
Yurgartis, Vince
Ziegler, James H GySgt
Zeigenhagen, Merlin I
Zumstein, Charles Capt

Died in Vietnam
 Died in 1965 Air Crash
Died In Iraq
Died at World Trade Center 9/12/11a NY Firefighter
*** Killed after being thrown from Liberty Bus in Yuma, AZ June 1971

Gary Beardsley.jpg

Beardsley, Gary MGySgt

Col Robert A.G. RAG  Berns.jpg

Berns, Robert A.G.l

Grant Blowers.png
Daniel  P Bogert SSgt.png

Bogert, Daniel P SSgt

Briscoe S Brown Sgt.png

Carbajal, Manuel Sgt

Manuel Carbajal.png
Flor P. Castaned.png

Castaneda, Flor P GySgt

Causey, Hubert L Maj

Hubert L Causey.jpg

Chagnon,Thomas MGySgt

Thomas K Chagnon.png

Clingerman, Stuart

Stuart Clingerman.png
LtCol William A CohnCO 2nd LAAM Bn 1973-

Cohn, William A LtCol

John Cole.png

Cole, John

David Collins Cpl.png

Csik, Tibbett LtCol

Tibbett Csik LtCol.jpg

Martin, L Culbreath Sgt

Martin L Culbreath Sgt.png

DeBrine, Richard 1st Lt

Richard DeBrine at his Commissioning in
Michael Decker.png

Della-Corte, Joseph Col

Joseph Della-Corte LtCol.png

Dolly, John SgtMaj

John Dolly SgtMaj.png

Doyle, Charles M GySgt

Charles A. Doyle.png
Edward K Fisk.png

Fisk, Edward K

Ford, Joseph S SgtMaj

Joseph S Ford SgtMaj at his retirement 1

Ganz, William H. LtCol

William H. Ganz LtCol 3rd LAAM Bn CO 197

Gehrdes, Robert P Maj

Robert P Gehrdes in RVN.png

Getz, Al Maj

Alan Getz Maj.png

Gott, Ronald MSgt 

Ronald L Gott MSgt.jpg

Greenawalt, Harvey E Maj

Greenwalt, Harvey E  Maj  at his 1977 re

Griffin, Andrew Sgt

Andrew Griffin.png

Jagusch, William H Cpl

William H Jagusch.png

Janis, Joseph J Cap

Joseph J Janis.png
Erich Bush at 1978 Onslow Beach

Bush, Erich

Bryant Johnson.png

Johnson, Bryant

Johnson, Parks

Parks Johnson.png

Johnson, Vincent

Vincent Johnson.png

Jolley,Malcolm S Col

Malcom S. Jolley Col.png

Jones, Herman H SSgt

Herman H Jones.png

Kiah, Robert E LtCol

Robert E Kiah LtCol.png

Kvam, Robert Cpl

Robert Kvam.png

Kellner, Harry Dean

Harry Dean Kellner.png

Leake, James J MSgt

James J Leake MSgt.png

Levy, Alan

Alan Levy.png

Liberatore, Victor Sgt

Victor Liberatore Sgt.png

Linehan, Ronald J SgtMaj

Ronald J. Linehan SgtMaj.png

Matheny, Jeffrey A SSgt

Jeffrey A Matheny SSgt.png

Moore, Frank O MGySgt

Kolm, Thomas R

Thomas R Kolm.png
Frank O Moore MGySgt.png

Moorman, Ron

Ron Moorman.png

Mooney, Terrence G Cpl

Terrence G Mooney.png

Moskwa, Richard J

Richard J Moskwa.png

Mullins, Larry SSgt

Larry Mullins.png

Nichols, Richard F Sgt

Daniel E Felts

Daniel E Felts.png
Richard F Nichols Sgt.png

Norton, Thomas R

Thomas R Norton.png

Osowski, Joseph

Joseph Osowski.png

Otto Joseph Cpl

Joseph Otto.png
Enrique D Padilla LCpl.png

Paeth, Ernie P

Ernie P. Paeth.png

Pinsonneault, John Sgt

John Pinsonneault Sgt.png

Pine Wilfred, "Joe" Sgt

Wilfred (Joe) Pine Sgt.png

Pokrzywinski, Paul Cpl

Paul Pokrzywinski Cpl.png

Ponder, James B

James Ponder ITR 1966.png

Rinehar,t John A SgtMaj

John A Rinehart SgtMaj.png

Robben, Joseph W Col

Robben, Joseph W Col.png

Ross, George

George Ross.png

Rupp, John E

John E Rupp.png

Schwartz, Wayne SSgt

Wayne Schwartz SSgt.png

Sharpe, Julius Edison 

Julius Edison Sharpe.png

Scherer, Douglas J

Douglas J Scherer.png

Snyder, Michael SSgt

Michael Snyder SSgt.png

Spells, Marcellus

Marcellus Spells.png

Talley, Donald R MSgt

Donald R Talley MSgt.png

Treado, Marshall LtCol

Marshall Treado LtCol.png

Tucker, John P Capt

John P Tucker Capt.png

Versage, Silas

Silas Versage.png

Versailles, David

David Versailles.png

Stote, Samuel E Capt

Stote, Samuel E Capt.png

Balske, Ron Capt

Ron Balske Capt El Toro 1972.png

Slowik, Robert S Pvt

Robert S Slowik.png

Walker, Cyrus T LCpl

Cyrus T Walker.png

Weaver, Gregory E Pfc

Gregory E. Weaver.png

West, George A MSgt

George West MSgt.png

Wiley, Oliver III

Oliver Wiley III.png

Yurgartis, Vince Cpl

Vince Yurgartis.png
2nd LAAM - 19760520 - Hanging up the Gre

Ziegler, James H GySgt

Dennis L James SgtMaj.png

James, Dennis L SgtMaj

Gordon D Macpherson LtCol b.jpg

MacPherson, Gordon D LtCol

Dusty Magby Sgt 2nd LAAM Bn.jpg

Magby, Dusty Sgt

MSgt Gregory C O'Connor.jpg

O'Connor, Gregory C MSgt

Rick Wolfe.jpg

Rick Wolfe

Paul McDevitt 3rd LAAM.jpg

McDevitt, Paul

Henry Attanasio.jpg

Attanasio, Henery Col

Jim Mooneyham at Branson.jpg

Mooneyham, James Sgt

Allen Sackett.jpg

Allen Sackett

MSgt Robert Price.jpg

Price,Robert MSgt 


Weber, Steven 

David W Kelleher.jpg

Kelleher, David W


Cantrell, "Gator"Gayther Sgt

Kenneth Hogan.jpg

Hogan, Kenneth


Hecox, Ben "BEAR" Cpl

Timothy Bradley 2nd LAAM Bn.jpg

Bradley, Timothy Sgt


Cpl Marckini, Sgt Lewandowski, LtCol Godley 

Dennis Schuster.jpg

Schuster, Dennis Sgt 

Vaughn, Walter L

John David Friske LtCol.jpg

Friske, John D LtCol

Timothy Kuretich.jpg

Kurvetich, Timothy SSgt

Edward Babola.jpg

Babola, Edward Sgt


Penico, Edward Col

MGySgt R J Arvin.jpg

Arvin, Robert J MGySgt

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