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Classic Title
This is a tribute to our Marine buddies
who have been called for Pearly Gates Guard Duty
Bob Hope 1903-2003 "Thanks For The Memories"
Bob Hope Christmas With The Troops
Bob Hope was without a doubt one of the greatest entertainers of all time. A wonderful look at some special moments Bob spent with the troops during his many Christmas performances. Thank You to all the Veterans that ever spent a Christmas away from their family and to Bob Hope for spending his Christmas with the troops.
In Memorium
Let us pause for a moment and pay silent tribute to the memory of those of our comrades who have passed from our midst.
Adamaitis, William G LtCol
Alexander, Donnie M MGySgt
Allen, Melvin
Allen, William J Jr LtCol
Anderson, Robert J MSgt
Andrews, Alto SgtMaj
Arvin, Robert J MGySgt
Ash, James
Atkins, Owren D
Attanasio, Henry "Hank" Col
Babola, Edward Sgt
Bagby, Dalton GySgt
Baldwin, HarryL LtCol
Balske, Ron Capt
Barney, Billie F
Bazzel,l Cecil A SgtMaj
Bean, Theodore Maj
Beardsley, Gary MGySgt
Benjamin, Robert D Maj
Bethke, Gary L
Berns, Robert A.G."RAG" Col
Bethke, Gary L
Bielec, Donald F Sgt
Bishop, Harry K 1st Lt
Bjerke, Glen A
Blackwood, Joe
Blowers, Grant R MGySgt
Bogert, Daniel P SSgt
Boothe, Franklin D Sgt
Bourne Jr, Belknap GySgt
Bradley, Timothy Sgt
Bravence, Robert M 1stLt
Broetje, Thomas G
Brown, Briscoe S Sgt
Bush, Erich
Buzbee, Milford R MGySgt
Caldwell, Gregory L
Campbell, James R GySgt
Campus, Gary M LCpl
Cantrell, Gayther Sgt
Capatosto, Richard P LtCol
Carbajal, Manuel Sgt
Caret, Richard M Capt
Carney, Martin E Capt
Carrano, Anthony V
Carter, Kenneth C GySgt
Casey, Frank M
Castaneda, Flor P GySgt
Causey, Hubert L Maj
Chadwick, Stanley R SgtMaj
Chagnon, Thomas K MGySgt
Chavez, Connie
Chegren, D J 1stLt
Chipura, John G Cpl ***
Clark, Jackie K Maj
Clingerman, Stuart
Cohan, Arthur MGySgt
Cohn, William A LtCol
Cole, John
Cole, Lyle L
Collins, David Cpl ***
Cook, Bertram E LtCol
Cook, Billy Joe
Cooper, Alvin E
Cooper, Robert D
Crehan, James
Creveling, Steve
Critzer, Roger A 1stLt
Csik, Tibbett LtCol
Cucchi, Ned
Martin, L Culbreath Sgt
Curry, Darrell GySgt
Daddazio, Armand G LtCol
Dailey, Emmitt C MSgt
Dalton, L K Cpl***
Daniels, Charles W
Davis, Gilbert H LtCol
DeBrine, Richard 1st Lt
Decker, Michael Sgt
Della-Corte, Joseph Col
DePauw, Roger C GySgt
Divine, Tim
Dixon, John LtCol
Dolly, John SgtMaj
Dougherty, Joseph LCpl
Doup, Robert L 1stLt
Doyle, Charles M GySgt
Drawdy, J A 2ndLt
Drury, John W Col
Earnheart, Robert G Sgt
Eglin, Charles W III LCpl
Enos, Gerald E LtCol
Ewell, Wallace E
Felts, Daniel E
Ferraro, Terrance 'Terry'
Finnegan, Craig Cpl
Fisk, Edward K
Fletcher, Peter Cpl
Flowers, Percy M 1stLt
Ford, Joseph S SgtMaj
Foster, Roger D LtCol
Freeman, James GySgt
Frey C R MSgt
Friske, John David LtCol
Gamache, Hank
Gandy, Richard S Sr MGySgt
Ganz, William H. LtCol
Gehrdes, Robert P Maj
Getz, Al Maj
Gierczynski, Michael A Capt
Gillihan, Robert L
Godley, Sean LtCol
Gott, Ronald MSgt
Green, William F
Greenawalt, Harvey E Maj
Gregg, Mark D Capt
Griffin, Andrew Sgt
Grooms Chester J
Guether, Steve
Hachmeister, William F LCpl
Haggin, Thompson B SSgt
Harmon, Lawrence C MGySgt
Harrison, William H
Hatley, J D SgtMaj
Hecox, Ben Cpl
Hedrick, Joe P
Heidenreich, Frederick J
Helmick, R W
Hink, Harry D 1stLt
Hogan, Kenneth
Howard, Edward CWO
Huffman, Gene C
Jackson, Marvin L Maj
Jagusch, William H Cpl
James, Dennis L Sgt Maj
Janis, Joseph J Capt
Jarvis, Michael
Jensen, Dean C
Johnson, Bryant
Johnson, Johnny Col
Johnson, Parks
Johnson, Vincent
Jolley,Malcolm S Col
Joneas, Michael W
Jones, Charles MGySgt
Jones, Earl W
Jones, Herman H SSgt
Jones, John W
Jones, Thomas SgtMaj
James, L Joy
Kaiser, Charles MSgt
Kiah, Robert E LtCol
Kimes, Roy
Kvam, Robert Cpl
Kearns, James R Maj
Kelleher, David W Capt
Keller, Kenneth K WO
Kellner, Harry Dean
Klatt, Norman
Kolm, Thomas R
Krolezyk, Harry T
Kuhlenschmidt, Larry
Kurvetich, Timothy SSgt
Lacher, Martin J Sgt
LaValley, Don Lt
Leake, James J MSgt
Levy, Alan
Lewandowski, William Sgt
Liberatore, Victor Sgt
Linehan, Ronald J SgtMaj
Lynch, Ronald F Sgt
Lyons, Allan Leroy
MacPherson, Gordon LtCol
Magby, Dusty Sgt
Mason, Gerald W
Masone, Vince Maj
Marciniak, Richard
Matheny, Jeffrey A SSgt
Marlowe, Frank W GySgt
McCain, Robert W MSgt
McDevitt, Paul Cpl
McDonald, Jim CWO-4
McKenzie, Bobby J Sgt Maj
Merica, Ira C
Miller, William Col
Miller, Wesley
Miller, William SSgt
Mintz, George L MSgt
Moore, Frank O MGySgt
Moorman, Ron
Muggins, Gene E SSgt
Murray, Ronald Col
Mooney, Terrence G Cpl
Mooneyham, James Sgt
Morphis, Roger D
Moskwa, Richard J
Mullins, Larry SSgt
Munstermann, Michael E
Nailor, Richard A Capt
Nash, Tommy R
Nelson, Fran LtCol
Neis, Thomas J Capt
Nerlien, Larry N Sgt
Neville, Henry D
Nichol, Francis H Cpl
Nichols, Richard F Sgt
Norton, Thomas R
Oass, Richard Sgt
O'Connor, Gregory C MSgt
Oglesby, Edward LtCol
Osowski, Joseph
Otto Joseph Cpl
Overfelt Doyle W
Padilla, Enrique D LCpl***
Paeth, Ernie P
Palmer, Thomas P
Palomaki, Perry
Patterson, Ronald Cpl
Pechart, Joseph
Penico, Edward Col
Peterman, Dennis 1stSgt
Phelps, Michael A
Pinsonneault, John Sgt***
Pine Wilfred, "Joe" Sgt
Pokrzywinski, Paul Cpl
Pollack Ralph, GySgt
Ponder, James B
Porter, Robert A
Powell, Forrest
Price, Robert MSgt
Purdy, Kevin Cpl
Radabaugh, Carl B
Redfox, Jeffrey Cpl
Redrick, Carl
Rey, John Cpl
Richardson, Ronald
Rinehar,t John A SgtMaj
Robben, Joseph W Col
Rosiak, John A
Ross, George
Rowe, Phillip
Rupp, John E
Sackett, Allen
Saladino, Anthony M MSgt
Sandoval, Gilbert Cpl
Schwartz, Wayne SSgt***
Seena, Phil
Sharpe, Julius Edison
Scherer, Douglas J
Schessler, John LtCol
Schuster, Dennis Sgt
Short, Harry
Shumber, Vincent CWO-2
Sickles, Richard L
Sides, William K LCpl
Siegal, Michael
Sims,Lawrence J Sgt
Skiba, J A L/Cpl
Slowik, Robert S Pvt
Smith, Ira T
Smith, Lawrence
Snider, Donald
Snyder, Michael SSgt
Sotak, Ralph
Spells, Marcellus
Spinning, Ted R MGySgt
Sterl, John "Jack" P Cpl
Stone,r Fred A
Stonecipher, Jerry MSgt
Stote, Samuel E Capt
Sullenberger, Robert H GySgt
Szabo, Thomas CWO2
Talley, Donald R MSgt
Taylor, Robert C Sgt
Terrebonne, Jerry Capt
Thuet, Steven P Capt
Tiemann, Donald W
Treado, Marshall LtCol
Tucker, John P Capt
Turnbull, Walter N Capt
Ulseth, Edward
Vaughn, Walter L "Chub" MGySgt
Versage, Silas
Versailles, David
Vincent III, Vernon V LCpl
Vrooman, Lyndon F 1stLt
Waibe,l Fred Sgt
Walker, Cyrus T LCpl
Weaver, Gregory E Pfc
Weber, Steven P SSgt
Weglin, Charles L/Cpl
West, George A MSgt***
Wharton, Gordon A
White, Richard M Sgt
Wiley, Oliver III
Willis, Augustus SgtMaj
Wimme,r William E
Wojta, David M LCpl
Wold, Thomas H Col
Wolfe, Rick
Wooten, Sgt Maj
Wright, Robert MSgt
Yurgartis, Vince
Ziegler, James H GySgt
Zeigenhagen, Merlin I
Zumstein, Charles Capt
Died in Vietnam
Died in 1965 Air Crash
Died In Iraq
Died at World Trade Center 9/12/11a NY Firefighter
*** Killed after being thrown from Liberty Bus in Yuma, AZ June 1971
Beardsley, Gary MGySgt
Berns, Robert A.G.l
Bogert, Daniel P SSgt
Carbajal, Manuel Sgt
Castaneda, Flor P GySgt
Causey, Hubert L Maj
Chagnon,Thomas MGySgt
Clingerman, Stuart
Cohn, William A LtCol
Cole, John
Csik, Tibbett LtCol
Martin, L Culbreath Sgt
DeBrine, Richard 1st Lt
Della-Corte, Joseph Col
Dolly, John SgtMaj
Doyle, Charles M GySgt
Fisk, Edward K
Ford, Joseph S SgtMaj
Ganz, William H. LtCol
Gehrdes, Robert P Maj
Getz, Al Maj
Gott, Ronald MSgt
Greenawalt, Harvey E Maj
Griffin, Andrew Sgt
Jagusch, William H Cpl
Janis, Joseph J Cap
Bush, Erich
Johnson, Bryant
Johnson, Parks
Johnson, Vincent
Jolley,Malcolm S Col
Jones, Herman H SSgt
Kiah, Robert E LtCol
Kvam, Robert Cpl
Kellner, Harry Dean
Leake, James J MSgt
Levy, Alan
Liberatore, Victor Sgt
Linehan, Ronald J SgtMaj
Matheny, Jeffrey A SSgt
Moore, Frank O MGySgt
Kolm, Thomas R
Moorman, Ron
Mooney, Terrence G Cpl
Moskwa, Richard J
Mullins, Larry SSgt
Nichols, Richard F Sgt
Daniel E Felts
Norton, Thomas R
Osowski, Joseph
Otto Joseph Cpl
Paeth, Ernie P
Pinsonneault, John Sgt
Pine Wilfred, "Joe" Sgt
Pokrzywinski, Paul Cpl
Ponder, James B
Rinehar,t John A SgtMaj
Robben, Joseph W Col
Ross, George
Rupp, John E
Schwartz, Wayne SSgt
Sharpe, Julius Edison
Scherer, Douglas J
Snyder, Michael SSgt
Spells, Marcellus
Talley, Donald R MSgt
Treado, Marshall LtCol
Tucker, John P Capt
Versage, Silas
Versailles, David
Stote, Samuel E Capt
Balske, Ron Capt
Slowik, Robert S Pvt
Walker, Cyrus T LCpl
Weaver, Gregory E Pfc
West, George A MSgt
Wiley, Oliver III
Yurgartis, Vince Cpl
Ziegler, James H GySgt
James, Dennis L SgtMaj
MacPherson, Gordon D LtCol
Magby, Dusty Sgt
O'Connor, Gregory C MSgt
Rick Wolfe
McDevitt, Paul
Attanasio, Henery Col
Mooneyham, James Sgt
Allen Sackett
Price,Robert MSgt
Weber, Steven
Kelleher, David W
Cantrell, "Gator"Gayther Sgt
Hogan, Kenneth
Hecox, Ben "BEAR" Cpl
Bradley, Timothy Sgt
Cpl Marckini, Sgt Lewandowski, LtCol Godley
Schuster, Dennis Sgt
Vaughn, Walter L
Friske, John D LtCol
Kurvetich, Timothy SSgt
Babola, Edward Sgt
Penico, Edward Col
Arvin, Robert J MGySgt
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